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03 November 2010

Mei Tai 384 + small bag

Mei Tai z pasami z chusty Zara. Wszystkie pasy wypełnione. Pasy naramienne długości 200 cm, pas biodrowy - 180 cm.

Panel dwustronny. Jedna strona - wzorzysta bawełna . Druga strona -chusta Zara.

Kapturek - jedna strona Zara z aplikacjami, druga strona - wzorzysta bawełna.

Boczne wypełnienie panela. Sznureczek do podwiązania kapturka.

Oraz małą torebeczka.

This MT's straps (both shoulder and waist) are made of Zara wrap. Shoulder straps are 200 cm long and 12 cm wide. The waist straps are 180cm long. There is a generous amount of padding in both shoulder and waist straps.

The body panel is fully reversible, the main side is made of cotton, reversing Zara wrap. Soft leg padding has been added for your little one's comfort.

This MT has a generous hood,one sides Zara wrap to with machine embridery, the other cotton . Thanks to little hidden ties, the hood can be neatly rolled up when not in use.

And the small bag.

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